Sections were directly stained with an FITC conjugated C3 (Nordic Immunology, Susteren, The Netherlands) and FITC conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Sigma-Aldrich, San Luis, MO, USA).…
Cells two times stained with NFL and IAIP were detected in the cerebral cortex of preterm and newborn babies in 26, 28, 34, and 37…
All participants gave written informed consent. 2.2. large number of tests associated with GWAS studies. Given the high prevalence of prior exposure and seropositivity (…
Multivariate analysis was performed with conditional stepwise forwards inclusion of predictors that had a em P /em -value 0.3 in the univariate evaluation. ( em…
They found that probably the most cost-effective strategy was to protect neonates born in November, 1 month before the RSV season. and developed a mathematical…
Seroprevalence ( standard error [= 7%) and 29% (= 15%), respectively. and FAR farms was 82% (= 5%) and 87% (= 3%), respectively. Seroprevalence (57%,…