This study serves as one of the very few providing an insight into this important public health problem

This study serves as one of the very few providing an insight into this important public health problem. appropriate vaccine early in existence could therefore help prevent people from getting infected in later on existence. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Hepatitis C disease, children, liver cirrhosis, cancer Intro The World Health Organization estimates that around 71 million people in the world are infected with chronic hepatitis C illness [1]. Children are particularly at risk and, HCV in children is definitely often asymptomatic, and a screening policy should be considered as a valuable approach for this age group. HCV is HPOB definitely transmitted primarily through percutaneous exposure. In children, generally, perinatal (vertical) acquisition of HPOB HCV is the most prevalence route of transmission, with about 5% of children born to mothers with HCV viremia having HCV through vertical transmission [2]. Even though, current estimate records a reduction in the burden because of a decreased prevalence rate among children, additional information is required to control the infection. Approximately 399,000 people pass away each year from hepatitis C, mostly from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) [3]. Studies possess indicated that, though majority of instances of HCV infections acquired in child years do not look harmful, about 25% of them could develop liver cirrhosis and liver failure in child years and infrequently HCC after 20-30 years following acute infections [4]. Paediatric HCV illness offers generally not been given much attention, particularly in developing countries, where the healthcare costs including economic effect for the HCV-infected children as well as their family contacts are high. Few studies have been reported within the seroprevalence of HCV infections in Ghana. Chronic HCV illness among the greater Accra regional human population of Ghana has been reported to be 6.4% [5]. The lack of data within the HCV status in children offers disallowed health policy- and decision-makers from possessing HPOB a obvious picture of the situation pertaining to HCV illness in children. Hence, the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of HCV illness and some factors which pre-dispose children to its acquisition in Accra, Ghana. HPOB This study thus was to provide extremely important baseline data to generate critical information needed to formulate effective plans for the prevention of HCV in the Ghanaian human population. It was also designed to generate data to provide info for education on preventive measures to be taken to reduce the high prevalence of HCV among the adult human population. Methods A hospital-based retrospective study using blood samples and records from a earlier study [6] was carried out. Two hundred (200) archived samples were selected randomly and screened for hepatitis C. The samples were tested for the presence of HCV specific Rabbit Polyclonal to OR10G9 antibodies, using an HCV dipstick test kit following a manufacturers instructions (Wondfo, Guangzhou, China). Briefly, the dipsticks, individuals samples and controls were left within the bench to come to room temp (22-25C). Each dipstick was labelled with laboratory ID as indicated on the various samples. A drop of thawed whole blood was dispensed onto the tip of the test strip. Two drops of sample diluent were added and incubated for quarter-hour after which the results were go through. Data was came into into Microsoft Excel and analysed using IBM SPSS version 25 and GraphPad Prism version 8. In addition to the honest clearance for the original study [6], clearance was also from the research ethics committee of the University or college of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho, Ghana (Ref. No. UHAS-REC A.7 [156] 19-20) prior to the commencement of this study. Informed consent was acquired prior to inclusion in the original study. Results Out.

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