Seroprevalence ( standard error [= 7%) and 29% (= 15%), respectively
Seroprevalence ( standard error [= 7%) and 29% (= 15%), respectively. and FAR farms was 82% (= 5%) and 87% (= 3%), respectively. Seroprevalence (57%, = 8%) in finishing pigs in Alberta from FF farms was significantly different from that of multisite (MS) farms and FIN farms, 6% (= 6%) and 9% (= 5%), respectively. appears to be widespread in Canada and the seroprevalence on FF farms is higher than that on FIN and MS farms, possibly due to the presence of breeding females or management differences. Rsum Sroprvalence de chez diffrentes populations porcines dans 3 provinces du Canada. Lentropathie prolifrative porcine cause par est une maladie entrique majeure du porc travers le monde. Une meilleure comprhension de la distribution de ce pathogne dans les troupeaux porcins du Canada serait utile pour ltablissement de protocoles de lutte contre la maladie. Dans ce but, des porcs en provenance de lOntario, du Qubec et de lAlberta ont t tests par dtection des anticorps contre par immunofluorescence indirecte. La sroprvalence a t dfinie comme tant la proportion de porcs positifs par rapport au nombre total de porcs tests dans la population cible. La sroprvalence ( erreur PD 169316 type [s0] chez les porcs de march en Ontario tait sensiblement diffrente dans les porcheries naissance-finition (NF) 77 % (s0 = 7 %) compare celle des porcheries de finition (FIN) 29 % (s0 15 %). La sroprvalence chez les truies et les cochettes dans les NF tait de 90 % (s0 = 3 %) et de 93 % (s0 = 6 %) dans les maternits PD 169316 et les pouponnires (MAT + POU) de lOntario. Mouse monoclonal antibody to SAFB1. This gene encodes a DNA-binding protein which has high specificity for scaffold or matrixattachment region DNA elements (S/MAR DNA). This protein is thought to be involved inattaching the base of chromatin loops to the nuclear matrix but there is conflicting evidence as towhether this protein is a component of chromatin or a nuclear matrix protein. Scaffoldattachment factors are a specific subset of nuclear matrix proteins (NMP) that specifically bind toS/MAR. The encoded protein is thought to serve as a molecular base to assemble atranscriptosome complex in the vicinity of actively transcribed genes. It is involved in theregulation of heat shock protein 27 transcription, can act as an estrogen receptor co-repressorand is a candidate for breast tumorigenesis. This gene is arranged head-to-head with a similargene whose product has the same functions. Multiple transcript variants encoding differentisoforms have been found for this gene La sroprvalence chez les truies de reproduction dans les porcheries de NF et de MAT du Qubec tait de 82 % (s0 = 5 %) et de 87 % (s0 = 3 %), respectivement. La sroprvalence (57 %, s0 = 8 %) chez les porcs de finition en Alberta provenant des porcheries NF tait significativement diffrente de celle rencontre dans les porcheries multisites (MS) 6 % (s0 = 6 %) et FIN, 9 % (s0 = 5 %). semble tre largement rpandue au Canada et la sroprvalence dans les PD 169316 porcheries NF est plus leve que dans les porcheries FIN et MS, possiblement cause de la prsence de femelles de reproduction ou de mthodes diffrentes de gestion. (Traduit par Docteur Andr Blouin) Introduction Porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE) is an important enteric disease in swine herds throughout the world. Disease is caused by the intracellular bacterium which infects enterocytes mainly in the distal part of the ileum (1). Porcine proliferative enteropathy is known to occur in acute and chronic forms (1,2). The acute form is known as porcine hemorrhagic enteropathy (PHE) and usually occurs in mature ( 4 mo old) pigs. Porcine hemorrhagic enteropathy is characterized by the proliferation of the crypt cells with intestinal blood clots and fibrin casts in the ileal lumen, resulting in bloody diarrhea and acute death. The chronic form, porcine intestinal adenomatosis (PIA), is also characterized by proliferating crypt cells of the ileum and sometimes of the large intestine producing a thickening of the intestines. Porcine intestinal adenomatosis often results in diarrhea and reduced weight gains, typically in pigs 6- to 20-wk old. is spread in pigs through the fecal-oral route. Clinical signs and serum antibodies typically develop 2 to 3 3 wk after experimental challenge (3). Initially, the detection of was done on postmortem samples diagnosed by gross and microscopic lesions with intracellular curved bacteria (1). Antemortem tests are now available; they include fecal PCR (4) and either an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) (3) or an immunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA) (5) for serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G against The IFAT test is commonly used when farms are being surveyed, because it performs very well with a high diagnostic sensitivity (90%C93%) (3,6,7) and specificity (approximately 100%) (3,6). The.